A Look at Wedding Veil History

A Look at Wedding Veil History

Many of you have another significant chore to complete before your wedding day, and that is picking the ideal veil to go with your dress. Have you ever asked yourself how the custom of wearing this particular accessory started? Who was the first woman to wear a veil as part of her bridal attire?

Let's travel back several hundred years. Let's concentrate on the Romans and Greeks, since this is when we see the veil being mentioned in writing for the first time. The primary motivation for ancient brides wearing veils on their wedding days was nothing more but a superstition. The veil would guard against evil spirits, according to popular belief. Another interesting aspect that has persisted to this day is that the husband was not permitted to catch a glimpse of the bride before the ceremony, and the veil worked perfectly as a disguise.

These superstitions are not as stringent today as they were in the past. Hence, whether or not you decide to wear the veil is entirely up to you. While some brides view it as a lovely ornament that gives off an ethereal, royal vibe, others think it is a throwback to bygone eras or simply don't feel comfortable wearing one, which is acceptable. It is entirely up to you what to wear because it is your special day!

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